Tuesday, March 27

The Hummingbirds Have Arrived

On March 24, 2007 a couple of male Ruby-throated Hummingbirds made their first appearance of the Spring. Just as Ruby-throated Hummingbirds do they began to squabble and fight over the 10 feeders I have up. I could put up 20 feeders but just like kids it would only serve to give them more to fight over. Of course their feisty nature is one of the thing I like about Ruby-throats. Something about hummingbirds just amazes me. These tiniest of creatures migrate thousands of miles twice a year, fly over two continents, not to mention the Gulf of Mexico, and arrive back in our yards almost to the day year after year! Most of us would never make the trip or get lost and bosses only wish they could find employees so dedicated and timely.

Well there is a break in the storms so I'm going outside to watch the action!

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